Monday, October 31, 2011

City Views, Country Dreams

Happy Halloween from New York!

That whimsical seasonal image is taken from one of my favorite calendars, Cynthia Hart's Victoriana 2011 Calendar.  Each month features a collage assembled from a very rich assortment of yesteryears' glories.

Later on today, I'll try to take my camera for a walk around the neighborhood to collect some current Halloween images to show you all.

However, first I wanted to tell you about the weekend trick that Nature played on us.

New York City is often used as a film location for movies, television  and advertising.  It is not too unusual to see pseudo snow blanketing a small area of a street in July.  That area will have to be treeless, because it is hard to make a snow scene seem real with lots of leaves on the trees.  Or is it?

Our autumn weather has been gradually settling in, with only the yellow leaves making their appearance around town.  There has been no sign of the auburn shades yet.

As I looked out my front window on Saturday, what do you think I saw?  Inch-wide floppy white snowflakes flying through the air!  I have never seen snow falling while trees still held on to their green leaves.  I somehow thought of that old tune Season of the Witch.

Of course, this unusual sight quickly motivated me to get outside on my necessary errand rounds, with a quick midday toasted cheese sandwich and cup of tea in between rounds.  By the time I bundled up in my down coat (down coats do not usually get worn before late November) and went out for the final errand mission, the sidewalks were beginning to accumulate lots of slushy ice.  I was quick in my rather abbreviated mission and then enjoyed the rest of Saturday from my cozy apartment.

This very freaky storm did lots of damage to lots of trees.  Central Park alone has lost over 1000 trees, many more than were downed as a result of last summer's Hurricane Irene.  Heavy, wet snow on leaf-bearing trees creates a bad combination.

In many suburban New York areas, folks will be without electricity for another day or two, due to so many fallen trees connecting with overground power lines.  I consider myself very fortunate not to have been inconvenienced.

 And so again, I wish you all a Happy Halloween, and advise you to concentrate on treats, and to beware of tricky surprises.


  1. And a very happy Hallowe'en to you too! My brother-in-law's family lives in Philadelphia and I know they too have had snow. It's all a little surprising to say the least. Here in France we have had glorious sunshine with what could almost be classified warm temperatures early afternoon.

    We as a family will not be celebrating Hallowe'en in the classical sense - trick and treating in costume - however we have made fudge and will go out for a dark, eerie walk in the countryside. I am becoming more and more drawn to All Saints' Day here in France; inevitable since I have been living here for 14 years now.

    It is a real pleasure to read your post as ever.

    Have a happy warm week with plenty of toasted cheese sandwiches!

  2. Trying to leave you a comment - hope this one works. Happy Halloween and keep warm x

  3. Surprising weather to say the least, you must have been shocked to see the snow. It is still 16C here in middle England and the trees are showing off their autumnal finery. This has been the best autumn for a long time. I just hope we don't get early and long lasting snow as we did last winter.

    Happy Hallow e'en!

  4. Happy Halloween! I hadn't heard anything about your unseasonal weather. We are having a very mild autumn here in the UK to the extent that my hubby is still wearing his shorts!

  5. As Toffeeapple said, we are having a mild and splendid Autumn here in much of England.

    "Happy Hallowe'en" - I still find that a strange thing to say, as spooky All Hallows Eve wasn't part of my childhood and pre-Harry Potter, all things witchy were definitely non-PC !

    What a shock for NY to have all that snow, and all those fallen trees.

    Stay warm and snug

  6. Happy Samhain, dear Frances...merry meet on this night when the curtain between this world and others is so very thin... And snowflakes? Chilly witches, indeed. :)
    I love the silver snowflake image...

    I've been watching the snow pass on its chilly way across the we have not had a frost even yet..despite some chilly nights and the odd hailstorm.

    Keep warm, my dear friend. And thank you for always thoughtful comments on my weird little blog. :)

  7. I can't believe the weather you have had in New York. I hope you enjoyed your Halloween walk around the neighbourhood and look forward to seeing your pictures. There was a super photo of a building in Manhattan in the snow in the Daily Mail the other day. Here is the link:

    I just loved the ghouls hanging off the building with the snow falling...

    Always a pleasure to read your blog x

  8. Channel 1 News just had some sad pictures of the remains of the trees at the very South of the Park --all snapped clean off!
    Maybe you can document the park since I don't think I'll be up there this week.

    Freakish and peculiar if you ask me.
    Buster says HAPPY HALLOWEEN

  9. It's unfortunate that you should have such an early snowstorm. I hope this doesn't mean you will have a very bad winter to come. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Here in the Netherlands the weather is still very nice and the temperatures are pleasant.We're having a lot of sunshine. Thank goodness for that.

    I hope you're having a Happy Halloween.

  10. Your snow has been on our news, quite freaky - such a shame about the trees. Over here, in our part of the UK we are having the opposite - so mild, my tomato plants are still going, and I am picking ripe fruit in November. Tricks for you - treats for us!

    (Season of the Witch is my favourite Donovan song)

  11. I'm sure the snow was a surprise. Sorry about the trees...

    We came close to having snow a couple of weeks ago (I changed to winter tyres on my car and everything) but since then it has been really mild weather... Warm air from the Azores...

    Even the snow on the highest mountains here have melted again.

  12. How did I miss this post? Or did my comment get lost, I'm sure I've seen it and admired the photos.

    Some people go to great lengths for Halloween, it seems. It's not an occasion I know much about and kids here only come for sweets; never to our house though, we are too far off the road.

    Some of these exhibits are very artistic indeed.

  13. We still have the bag of Halloween candy as no kids came to our door. We don’t live in a subdivision and our house is on top of a hill amid many trees, it may look scary at night….

    That certainly was a trick of nature to send all that snow to your city – how terrible about the trees.
