When I read comments on my posts, I continue to be amazed by how many arrive from people living very far away. It is such a pleasure to know that even while sitting here in my tiny aparment, I am able to trade thoughts, pictures, information and laughter with folks all across the world.
Recently, I have traded comments with Tulsa http://theartoflivinginjapan.blogspot.com/ who lives in Japan and writes several delightful blogs.
She has tagged me to participate in a game of Five Favorites. I will comply, though my answers may be a bit vague.
My five favorite songs could be Waterloo Sunset, No Expectations, Instant Karma, Once in Royal David's City and As Time Goes By.
My five favorite movies could be The Maltese Falcon, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, anything by Almodovar, Chinatown and Annie Hall.
My five favorite books is a category that proves impossible to list. I might be permitted to list categories? My art history books with favorites on Georgio Morandi, Pierre Matisse, James MacneilWhistler. My art technique books. My needlecraft books. Short story collections by DH Lawrence. Novels ... oh, just too many to list.
My five favorite crushes is another tricky area. Are these crushes to be only fixated on people, or could they be ... wonderful shoes, beautiful gardens, art supply stores, yarn shops or libraries? If people, this is also tricky ... must these people be alive? Then perhaps I'd say Roger Federer, Ray Davies. Since I am not so young, crushes from past times are so much easier.
My five favorite random things. Ah, the window of opportunity opens.
Finding free time to draw or paint or visit friends.
Re-connecting with old friends or finding a new friend.
Hearing good news.
Back to the game.
I would like to invite the following wonderful blogging friends to join the game.
Milla to be found at http://milla-countrylite.blogspot.com/
Cait O'Connor to be found at http://caitoconnor.blogspot.com/
Irish Eyes to be found at http://irisheyestheviewfrommywindow.blogspot.com/
Un Peu Loufoque to be found at http://ttheothersideofme.blogspot.com/
Sue to be found at http://mousenotebook.blogspot.com/
Visiting any of these folks will guarantee any reader a treat. They are five of my favorite writers, and they can lead you to even more favorites.
Have fun with the game of tag.