Happy Easter to you all from New York City. Today has been sunny, but chilly. I decided to leave my down coat at home, and to don several layers of light weight clothing for my stroll over to the Fifth Avenue Easter Parade. I did not wear a bonnet. The charming sisters in the following photograph wore lovely flowery bonnets and sweet smiles.
I like to arrive at the Parade around 11:30 before the Fifth Avenue church services conclude. Fifth Avenue is closed to vehicular traffic between 57th and 49th Streets and everyone just sort of ambles along either posing for photographs, or taking photographs, or just enjoying the day.
As in prior years, there was a mix of elegance, tradition, imagination and just plain old zaniness. Everyone seemed to be in a fine mood.
As I walked along, it was not always possible for me to take the photo from the angle I desired. Crowd movements can be unpredictable. One must go with the flow.
I hope that you all will be able to detect this sombrero wearer has adopted a bit of a rabbity disguise.
Lavender bonnet complimented her purple hair.
The following fashion forward trio seemed to know each other and were glad to pose together.
Some hats's designs are best viewed from behind.
Most shops along the Avenue were closed. It was nice to see big planters of daffodils outside this jewelry shop. The giant planters also act as safety devices, protecting the window from possible nefarious drive-in shoppers.
Quite a few bonnets featured architectural decorations. I like the look of this storybook tower in the middle of Fifth Avenue towers.
This little girl in the lacy skirt and flowery hat was more elegant than her Mom with the tote bag.
This little bunny had a good view on Daddy's shoulders. Mom had a pretty red jacket.
The pink bunny wanted her photo taken with one of the police officers on Parade duty.
Anyone with a sudden urge to don some bunny ears could satisfy that urge with the assistance of several vendors. Parasols were also available.
This little girl was so happy that her doll donned bunny ears.
The following photo was clicked in haste in order to capture the giant chocolate bunny on the gentleman's head.
And, on the bunny front, this street magician actually had a rabbit in his act.
The fellow in the next photograph defies description. His outfit and make up must have taken hours to perfect.
Here is an extra large sunny side up.
The Rockefeller Center Promenade featured the usual lilies, topiary rabbits and crowds.
Lots and lots of blossoms on this brim.
Ahh, an elegant trio on the Avenue.
I wonder if this glamorous lady's bonnet was heavy. Its flowers were really pretty and pink.
I thought this scarlet and neon lime duo were quite striking.
The crowds were beginning to bother me a bit, so I took this final photo of an adorable little girl, and wondered what she might have thought of all that was going on around her.
Returning home, I wanted to take a couple of more photographs to show you all that I have now welcomed chocolate back into my domain.
The above rabbit is a milk chocolate rabbit. The next photograph offers a look at the dark chocolate rabbit, along with a few chocolate truffles.
I do hope that you all have enjoyed seeing a bit of the joy that filled Fifth Avenue today and thank you for your visits and comments. I am very happy to have a new follower, too.
I am delighted to report that Central Park is now in bloom. Just before midday, I applied sunscreen, some make up, tee shirt, jeans, Toms slip on shoes, and my favorite vintage hand knit pullover and took a walk across the Park to return Stella Gibbons excellent Cold Comfort Farm to the excellent New York Society Library. A great change had occurred since my last Park stroll. Many of you all may already know that Central Park has a man made rolling terrain, and so you will see evidence of upstairs/downstairs levels in many of today's photographs.
Lots of yellow, white and blue flowers surrounded by a variety of green tones graced slopes near Central Park West and 72nd Street.
Lots and lots of other folks were also walking around admiring the flowers, or skating, or bike riding, or lying on the lawns, or perhaps being carried along in strollers or horse drawn carriages. A half-marathon race was also underway.
The sunlight was brilliant and the daffodils glowed.
Some delicately hued hellebore flowers joined in the fun.
Maybe you all will be able to solve the scale of the different planes in the following photo. Hint...the flowers in the foreground are at least 20 feet above the pathway in front of the large rocky ledge.
Here is another mix of pretty blue and white flowers. I know that you will know their names.
Many photographs were being taken all over the Park. A violinist played a sweet tune.
I took the next two photographs of charming Martenitzas in a large tulip magnolia tree in the Strawberry Fields area just for marvelous Rossichka.
I encourage any of you who have not had the treat of visiting Rossichka's blog to give yourselves a spring time treat and follow the link I've given you.
I saw many horse drawn carriages, and wondered if we will see them again next April. There is currently a debate underway about whether these horses are being ill treated, and whether the carriages should be allowed. The Mayor thinks nay; Liam Neeson and other supporters think yay.
The next picture looks down on to the western edge of the Bethesda Fountain plaza, with the Lake in the background and some lovely pink flowery trees on the left. And, lots of people enjoying the scene.
I don't think I have ever before shown you all any views of the impressive Minton tiled passageway under the stairs that lead from the level where I took the above photo down to the plaza.
I decided to walk across the plaza, continuing towards my Library destination on East 79th Street. Break dancers were performing on part of the plaza, but these acoustic performers in traditional attire were giving a very different performance.
The soft green of the new tree leaves around the Lake gave a very romantic setting for couples in the rowboats.
Brilliant swaths of forsythia decorated many of the arched passageways. I thought these accommodating tree trunks gave an additional frame to the scene.
Ahh! This tree has been basking in full sunlight for a few days and just had to burst into flower.
At this point I was getting closer to my intended exit onto Fifth Avenue. It was almost one o'clock and the sun felt very warm.
In the following photo, you'll be able to glimpse the glamorous, luxurious Fifth Avenue apartment buildings that face Central Park. If you look carefully in the center of the photograph, you'll also be seeing the model boat pond well known to all fans of the Stuart Little children's book.
Another archway, with a roadway overhead. And yet more daffodils are planted on each side of the archway. Can you see both patches?
What a lush green lawn!
More daffodils!
And here is the pathway that leads to Fifth Avenue and East 79th Street.
I completely enjoyed this walk in the Park, and am so glad to have had this glorious day off. Next week will be Easter Sunday, and I do hope to be visiting the annual Easter Parade, taking my camera along to see what hats might be on display. Back home today, I have been knitting a few more rows on my current fair isle scarf project. Its color scheme is not very springlike, but more like an antique persian carpet.
I will also share with you all another symbol of the end of chilly winter weather. I have switched my breakfast menu away from oatmeal and put away my beautiful little Riess porridge pan until next autumn. For the next six months or so, I will be treating myself to these cheery little O's. Pretty soon, I should be finding fresh berries in the markets to dress up my early morning meals.
Another dietary change will soon be possible for me. Chocolate returns to my world next Sunday. I've begun checking out various milk and dark chocolate bunnies around town, and also am aware of the availability of those irresistible Cadbury Creme Eggs. Thank you all for your visits and comments. I am delighted to have a new follower, too. See you all soon.
I live in a small apartment near beautiful Central Park. Over past decades, I have greatly enjoyed traveling through the British countryside. After almost fourteen years of working in the retail fashion business, I have recently retired. This was a big decision, and I'm now enjoying expanded opportunities to pursue my varied interests.